Future proof your business!

Organisations that make it big and survive the test of time are shapeshifters!

Shapeshifters generate a strategy supple enough to adapt to changing environments, and they disrupt themselves and the world around them to bring about positive change. In a volatile world that is changing at an ever-accelerating rate, it's time our approach to strategy and innovation changed too.

Shapeshifter will help you to experiment with new ways of thinking, doing and being that can better equip your leaders and organisation as they venture into the great unknown.

For the explorers amongst you, ready to embark on a new journey, help is at hand.

You'll learn about the 4 moves that make Shapeshifters so successful, along with a map of the journey in the form of a detailed maturity model alongside case-studies from emerging shapeshifters in action.

FREE : download the first 4 chapters of Shapeshifter!

"Insightful & practical

This book gives a huge amount of insight together with a practical, helpful and clear process to begin to tackle our thinking when facing into a complex and rapidly changing world.

"Highly recommended

This book is very well researched and structured and it contains clear and guided insights into how to understand and steer your company towards a model of success in our ever changing and unpredictable world.

The author offers shifts that will benefit many different readers, business owners and entrepreneurs, and to ultimately provide them with productive new ideas.

"Great book!

If you work with shifting organisational culture, mindsets and strategic thinking, this book is a really useful addition to the toolkit. It's helped me to reframe my thinking on several occasions when I've been grappling with complex organisational issues, especially around leadership.

The author has a great style and way of explaining ideas that makes them relatable, and the book contains loads of practical case study examples to illustrate the concepts. I tend to dip in and out when I need to and always come away with a helpful build on my ideas. Kind of like having a coach or consultant on the shelf!

"Buy this book, you will not regret it!

This is an epic book. It was recommended to me and I'm so glad it was.

The author must have had a crystal ball about how our world was going to change and how things will keep changing and flexing for years to come. 

Throughout the book there are poignant prompts to get you to think about your own business. There are useful case studies, from companies across sectors, that sparked ideas for me.

Give yourself leverage to succeed in difficult time. Buy this book - you will not regret it!

Buy Shapeshifter